Pan Western Mediterranean Conference 26-27-28 September: Tunis, Tunisia
The Pan Western Mediterranean Conference is taking place on the 26th, 27th and the 28th of September in Tunis, Tunisia. This workshop is being organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO,CSIC) in close collaboration with the coordination and partners of the MSPMED Consortium. This event aims to foster discussions about issues of common concern for Competent Authorities in MSP in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Malta, Italy, France, Spain and neighboring countries, as well as, building links among international initiatives operating in the Western Mediterranean towards a MSP Community of practice in the Mediterranean.
The main objective of this workshop will be to foster collaboration and networking and share technical knowledge, experiences and tools regarding one or various selected topics related to MSP and Blue Economy among representatives of WestMED countries and beyond. Effort will be invested in capitalize from and operationalize existing and past initiatives’ objectives. In this regard, links may be created with initiatives as the 5’ x 5’ initiative, WestMED Assistance mechanism, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), UNEP-MAP (PAP-RAC), EU MSP Assistance Mechanism, IOC-UNESCO MSP initiative, DG-RTD/MARE (Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters), MED Lighthouse etc), Bluemed Initiative. This workshop will also support the creation of a Working Group for MSP within the WestMED initiative as a follow up of discussions started in the WestMED Hackathon in Malta, on June 2022.