CORILA, the Project Coordinator, is an Italian consortium of research centers and universities, born for the safeguarding of Venice and its lagoon. In the last years it coordinated different interdisciplinary European Projects on MSP and is presently supporting, together with CNR-ISMAR and IUAV, the Italian MSP Competent Authority (Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) in charge of the MSP implementation.
IUAV is an Italian public university also specialized in MSP, ICZM, LSI, Climate Change adaptation and environmental planning. It coordinates since 2013 the Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning and is supporting, in collaboration with CORILA and CNR-ISMAR, the Italian MSP Competent Authority in preparing Italy’s MSP Plans.
CNR-ISMAR has been working on MSP since 2013, through several projects at transboundary, national and local scale, covering all steps and aspects of the MSP process. Currently is supporting, in collaboration with CORILA and IUAV, the Italian MSP Competent Authority and the Technical Committee in charge of preparing MSP Plans on Italian marine waters according to the EU MSP Directive.
The Department of Planning and Regional Development of the University of Thessaly has extensive experience in spatial planning & development research addressing, among others, issues related to maritime spatial planning, integrated coastal zone, river basin management and integrated development of island regions.
The Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB) is a public body, under the supervision of the French ministries for ecological transition and of agriculture. It provides technical assistance to the French competent authorities in the MSP directive implementation at national and sea basins level and supports other public policies with regards to biodiversity matters

The Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy is the competent authority for Maritime Spatial Planning in Greece at national and regional levels, in accordance with Law 4546 (GG101/A/12-June-2018) transposing the Directive 2014/89/EU into the Greek legal system.
The Planning Authority (PA) of Malta main functions are to regulate, control and develop space, both on land and at sea. The PA is the national focal point for ICZM and MSP and participates in regional initiatives, including projects such as SIMWESTMED and MSPMED in support of transboundary co-operation to deliver MSP.
Regional Development Center Koper is a public institution dealing with entrepreneurial and sustainable development of the region Istra, Brkini, Kras. RDC has extensive experience in the field of Maritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, gained through participation in many EU and other international projects.